Smileys & Emoticons & Akronyme - Last Update 2000.11.08

Smileys & Emoticons
In der DFÜ wird reiner Text übertragen. Jegliche andere Ausdrucksmöglichkeit fehlt zunächst. Dem Text läßt sich keine Gemütsregung und nicht die geringste Andeutung über die Stimmung des Verfassers entnehmen, wenn der Autor diese nicht eindeutig formuliert hat. Im DFÜ-Bereich wurden daher Möglichkeiten geschaffen, diese Informationen dennoch an den Empfänger weiterzugeben. Die wohl beliebteste Ausdrucksform ist das Smiley, ein kleines grafisches Gebilde, das mit Hilfe der über die Tastatur zu erreichenden Zeichen Gesichtsausdrücke nachahmt.

Die Grundform des Smiley, wissenschaftlich Emoticon getauft, besteht aus den Zeichen Doppelpunkt, Minus und rechter Klammer, also :-). Dreht man dieses Gebilde nun um 90 Grad nach rechts, dann erkennt man ein stilisiertes Gesicht. Der Doppelpunkt bildet die zwei Augen, das Minuszeichen eine gerade Nase und die Klammer einen lächelnden Mund. Der Grundschatz an Smileys wird neuen Benutzern überliefert, ist aber nirgendwo bindend festgeschrieben. Inzwischen sind über tausend Variationen bekannt, die teilweise sehr seltsame Blüten treiben. Mit einem Sortiment von rund zehn der gängigsten Smileys kann man aber schon sehr gut Stimmungen ausdrücken.

Leider verwenden viele Autoren die Smileys inflationär. So witzig kann eine Mitteilung gar nicht sein, daß sie nach jeder zweiten Zeile einen Smiley verdient. Martin Rost, Psychologe aus Kiel: `Smileys, permanent eingesetzt, wirken im Grunde als Nuancen-Killer: Entweder sind Smiley-Verschwender unfähig, differenzierte Sätze zu konstruieren oder sie unterschätzen die Intelligenz ihrer Leser. Daß der lustige Satz lustig gemeint ist, muß einem aufmerksamen, leidlich intelligenten Leser nicht noch einmal klargemacht werden. Sätze sind derart differenziert formulierbar, daß sie eine angemessene Interpretation nahelegen und der Leser höchstselbst zu dem Schluß kommen kann: der Autor freut sich oder er haut sich gerade selbst sehenden Auges in die Pfanne.

Zusätzlich wird das Smiley manchmal als Rettungsanker mißbraucht. Nach den übelsten Verunglimpfungen findet man Smileys, die dann wohl bedeuten sollen: `War doch nicht so gemeint´. Hier ist die Ehrlichkeit der Verfasser gefragt. Entweder man ist wütend und bringt das auch ehrlich zum Ausdruck, oder eben nicht. Grundsätzlich gilt bei der Verwendung der Smileys: Weniger ist mehr.


Die wichtigsten Smileys

New !!! - jetzt gibt's hier einen Smiley-Translator

[Screenshot] Smiley Dolmetscher v1.22 dt free Win 9x [148 KB] Internet / Sonstiges - ? 2000.09.15
Eine Datenbank mit allen möglichen Smileys - sehr gut gemacht.


:) Glücklich

;-) Augenzwinkern. Vorherige Aussage nicht so ernst nehmen. Ironie

:-))) Sehr fröhlich. Witzige Bemerkung. (Manchmal auch: übergewicht - Doppelkinn)

;-)=) Augenzwinkern und sehr großer Grinsemund (Zähne sichtbar)

:-> Sarkasmus

:-[ Scharfer, beißender Sarkasmus. (Manchmal auch: Dracula - spitze Backenzähne)

:-D Lachen, eher noch: Auslachen!

:-/ Unentschieden. `Ich weiß nicht, was ich davon halten soll.´ oder Skepsis

:-( Unglücklich, grummelig. `Finde ich gar nicht witzig.´

:-((( sehr Unglücklich, grummelig

:-< Traurig

:´-(   Weinen

:-| Grimmig. Leicht verärgert oder gleichgültig

:-|| Sehr verärgert. Wütend

:-@ Extrem verärgert

:-o Schockiert (Mund vor Schreck offen)

:-O Überraschung, Staunen oder Gähnen

:-* Oh, oh! `Das hätte ich besser nicht sagen sollen.´

<:-) Das war eine dumme Frage! (Eselskappe)

Sonstige Informationen über den Verfasser

:*)	Verfasser ist betrunken
%-) Nach einer Nacht vor dem Computer 

|-( Nach einer vergeblichen Nacht am Computer

(-: Verfasser ist Linkshänder

:^) Große oder spitze Nase

=:-) Verfasser ist ein Punker ...

=:-( ... allerdings lachen echte Punker nicht!

;8-) Brillenträger

:-{} Lippenstift

:-~) erkältet

:-q Raucher

@:-) Turbanträger

:-{) Schnurrbartträger

:-X versiegelte Lippen

+-:-) der Papst schreibt Mails...

c=:-) und Köche natürlich auch

<:-) ..der Weihnachtsmann...

:+) Erste Hilfe Smiley



In der Online-Szene haben sich viele für Internet-Einsteiger anfangs absolut unverständliche Abkürzungen durchgesetzt. Aus der Masse solcher Akronyme haben wir einige häufig verwendete zusammengestellt:
AFAIK - as far as I know (soweit ich weiß)
ASAP - as soon as possible (so schnell wie möglich)
BTW - by the way (übrigens)
CU - see you
D/L - Download
FYI - for your information (zu Deiner Information)
HTH - hope that helps (hoffe, das hilft)
IIRC - if I remember correctly (wenn ich mich richtig erinnere)
IMO - in my opinion (meiner Meinung nach)
IMHO - in my humble opinion (meiner unbedeutenden Meinung nach)
IOW - in other words (mit anderen Worten)
LOL - laughing out loud (lautes Lachen)
OT - off topic (vom Thema weg)
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing (vor Lachen am Boden wälzen)
SCNR - sorry, could not resist (sorry, konnte nicht widerstehen)

The Unofficial Smilie Dictionary
:-) Your basic smilie. This smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix. ;-) Winky smilie. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark. More of a "don't hit me for what I just said " smilie. :-( Frowning smilie. User did not like that last statement or is upset or depressed about something. :-I Indifferent smilie. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as good as a happy smilie :-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-). >:-> User just made a really devilish remark. >;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.
Those are the basic ones...Here are some somewhat less common ones:
(-:   User is left handed
%-)   User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight
:*)   User is drunk
[:]   User is a robot
8-)   User is wearing sunglasses
B:-)  Sunglasses on head
::-)  User wears normal glasses
B-)   User wears horn-rimmed glasses
8:-)  User is a little girl
:-)-8 User is a Big girl
:-{)  User has a mustache
:-{}  User wears lipstick
{:-)  User wears a toupee
}:-(  Toupee in an updraft
:-[   User is a Vampire
:-E   Bucktoothed vampire
:-F   Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-7   User juust made a wry statement
:-*   User just ate something sour
:-)~  User drools
:-~)  User has a cold
:'-(  User is crying
:'-)  User is so happy, s/he is crying
:-@   User is screaming
:-#   User wears braces
:^)   User has a broken nose
:v)   User has a broken nose, but it's the other way
:_)   User's nose is sliding off of his face
:;*{))  Mega-Smilie... A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, a mustache, and a double chin
<) User is from an Ivy League School
:-& User is tongue tied.
=":-)" User is a hosehead
:-) User is a punk rocker
:-( (real punk rockers don't smile
) :=")" User has two noses
+-:-) User is the Pope or holds some other religious office
`:-) User shaved one of his eyebrows off this morning
,:-) Same thing...other side
|-I User is asleep
|-O User is yawning/snoring
:-Q User is a smoker
:-? User smokes a pipe
O-) Megaton Man On Patrol! (or else, user is a scuba diver)
O :-) User is an angel (at heart, at least)
:-P Nyahhhh!
:-S User just made an incoherent statement
:-D User is laughing (at you!)
:-X User's lips are sealed
:-C User is really bummed
<|-) User is Chinese
<|-( User is Chinese and doesn't like these kind of jokes
:-/ User is skeptical
C=":-)" User is a chef
@="User" is pro-nuclear war
*<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat
:-o Uh oh!
(8-o It's Mr. Bill!
3:] Pet smilie
3:[ Mean Pet smilie d8="Your" pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat.
E-:-) User is a Ham radio operator
:-9 User is licking his/her lips
%-6 User is braindead
[:-) User is wearing a walkman
(:I User is an egghead
<:-I User is a dunce
K:P User is a little kid with a propeller beenie
@:-) User is wearing a turban
:-0 No Yelling! (Quiet Lab)
:-: Mutant Smilie The invisible smilie
.-) User only has one eye
,-) Ditto...but he's winking
X-( User just died
8 :-) User is a wizard C="}">

Note: A lot of these can be typed without noses to make midget smilies.
Midget smilie :] Gleep...a friendly midget smilie who will gladly be your friend =) Variation on a theme... :} What should we call these? (what?) :) Happy :> what? :@ what? :D Laughter :I Hmmm... :( Sad :[ Real Downer : y.a.s. :-z y.a.c.s. :-x "my lips are sealed" smiley :-c bummed out smiley :-v talking head smiley :v) left-pointing nose smiley :-b left-pointing tongue smiley :-/ lefty undecided smiley :-? smilely smoking a pipe .-] one-eyed smilely ,-} wry and winking 0-) smiley cyclops (scuba diver?) :-=) older smiley with mustache :u) smiley with funny-looking left nose :n) smiley with funny-looking right nose : midget smiley }:^#}) mega-smiley: updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a double-chin :-) ha ha ~~:-( net.flame |-) hee hee O |-) net.religion |-D ho ho :-> hey hey 8 :-I net.unix-wizards :-( boo hoo X-( net.suicide :-I hmm E-:-I net.ham-radio :-O uh oh >:-I net.startrek :-P nyah nyah 3:o[ net.pets |-P yuk :-} beard :-{ mustache :-# braces :-X bow tie :-Q smoker <:I dunce (:I egghead @:I turban 8-) glasses B-) horn-rims 8:-) glasses on forehead :-8( condescending stare ;-) wink>:-- Birth |-O Death 8-# Infinity 8 Basic Positive Emotions: :-) yer standard smiley face :-> alternate mouth :^) alternate nose... (:-) smiley big-face ):-) smiley big-face :-D said with a smile 8-| eyes wide with surprise :-o wow! :-v speaking :-, smirk |-) laughing |-D laughing :-P tongue hanging out in anticipation M:-) saluting (symbol of respect) $-) just won the lottery or winning big at Las Vegas Kiss, Kiss! P-) getting fresh ;-) getting fresh (2) :-x kiss kiss :-X a big wet kiss! (:-* kiss... Wink, Wink... ;-) wink ( take this message with a grain of salt) ,-} wry and winking :-7 after a wry statement 9-) wink, left 6-) wink, right Basic Non-Committal Emotions: :-\ undecided :-i semi-smiley :-/ lefty undecided smiley |-) asleep (boredom) |I asleep (boredom) :-| &qout;have an ordinary day" smiley :-I puzzled :-T keeping a straight face {} a 'no comment' message :-# submitter's lips are sealed :-x &qout;my lips are sealed" smiley :-P has a secret to tell you :-Y a quiet aside M-),:X),:-M sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil Basic Unhappiness: :-( yer standard frowning face ):-( unsmiley big-face :-O worried :-o shocked :-C just totally unbelieving :-V shout :-[ pouting &.(.. crying ---...--- - S.O.S :-w speak with forked tongue :-r sticking tongue out &-| tearful :-c real unhappy :-| grim :-P sticking out tongue (symbol of disrespect) :-o shocked :-(O) yelling :~( has had his nose put out of joint :-@ screaming :-:--:-( sick and tired of reading this nonsense ~:-( particularly angry :-] expressing biting sarcasm :-[ expressing biting criticism Illness: (:-$ ill... :-(*) sick of recent netnews and is about to vomit :-( has read too many 'smiley' articles :-{~ read too many toilet paper articles before lunch :-'| has a cold :-R has the flu %') just finished a fifth of lunch Overwork/Overparty Emotions: :*) drunk :-& tongue-tied #-) partied all night 8-O has taken too many nodoz to work on thesis |-( late night messages %-) has been staring at the terminal for 36 hours :-* just ate a sour pickle Personality Traits: |:-| excessively rigid (:I egghead <:I dunce=":-)" a hosehead O:-) face with halo- acting very innocent <:-) dumb questions :-[ un-smiley blockhead :-] blockhead <:-) conehead I:-) blockhead *8="(:" blubbering idiot :-D talks too much (:<) blabber mouth (:-D blabber mouth :-% talking out of both sides of mouth APPEARANCE: Facial Hair of All Varieties: (:-) bald |:-) has heavy eyebrows :-} has beard :-% has beard :-)} has goatee/beard :-@ beard has permanent wave *or* was drawn by Picasso (:-{~ a message from a person with a beard :-{ has mustache :-{) has moustache :-#| bushy mustache :-=")" older smiley with mustache %-) with long bangs (-) needing a haircut {:-) hair parted in the middle }:-) above in an updraft &:-) message from a person with curly hair @:-) message from a person with wavy hair {:-) has new hair style {:-{)} has new hair style, mustache and beard :-) sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T=":-)" long hair 3:-) curly hair [:-) flattop #:-) crewcut ?:-) wavy hair, parted on right *:-) electric hair {(:-) wearing toupee }(:-( wearing toupee in wind {{-}}} a refugee from the '60's Clothing, Glasses, Etc. (:-|K- formal message :-)8 well dressed :-X has bow tie g-) ponce-nez glasses ::-) wears glasses (8-) message from a person wearing glasses... 8-) wears glasses B-) wears horn-rims 8:-) wears glasses on forehead B-)-[< wearing sunglasses and swimming trunk %-) message about people with broken glasses R-) has broken glasses 8-) wears glasses B-) wears sunglasses B-| wearing cheap sunglasses %-) crossed-eyed '-) only has a left eye, which is closed .-] one-eyed smilely .-) has one eye ?-( about people with a black eye ':-) shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning @:I wears turban \:-) wears a french hat d:-) baseball player (hat on sideways) +(:-) propeller beanie [:-) listening to walkman thingy Mouths: :-v talking head :-$ face with it's mouth wired shut :-9 licking it's lips :-B drooling :-)' tends to drool :-6 after eating something sour :-* after eating something bitter :-q trying to touch its tongue to its nose :-a lefty smilely touching tongue to nose :-o singing national anthem :-7 talks out of side of mouth :-{} wears lipstick :-# has been punched in the mouth :-b left-pointing tongue smiley :-&qout; pursing lips :-(=")" message about people with big teeth :-# has braces :-{#} messages teasing people about their braces :-E has major dental problems Smokers: :-G- smokes cigarettes :-Q smoker :-p~ smokes heavily :-d~ smokes heavily ~p :-) pipe smoker :-? smilely smoking a pipe :-Z tobacco chewer :-7 tobacco chewer, getting ready to spit :-` spitting out chewing tobacco Noses: :~) has ugly nose (needs nose job) :u) funny-looking left nose :>) has big nose :n) funny-looking right nose :~) pointy nose (righty) :v) left-pointing nose :^| broken nose (:^( message concerning people with broken noses :^) messages teasing people about their noses (:+) has a big nose... :=) has two noses :%)% has acne Male & Female: 8:-) a little girl :-)-}8 a big girl O>-<|= messages of interest to women o>8<|= messages about interesting women (:-) : 8- male (:-) : 8 male on the make (8-( : 8 masked rapist (:-[ : 8- male sadist (:-] : 8- male masochist *:-} 8 * female *:-} 8 O female on the make *:-} 8 0 female wearing chastity belt *:-} 8 8- transvestite (:-) : 8="==" John Holmes $:-} 8 * female prostitute $:-) : 8- male prostitute [:-) : * gay female (butch) *:-} : 8- gay male (fem) /\ *:-} * big momma \/ (:-) ? has had a sex change Other Appearance: :-))) very overweight ~:o baby :-: mutant [:-] a message concerning a square head :< midget unsmiley :> midget invisible man C:-) has large brain capacity %-~ painted by Picasso ETHNICITY: =0== message about mexican on a railroad! =t== message about mexican run over by train >|-> message from China... <|-)= chinese <|-(="chinese" and doesn't like this article |-) chinese _:^) Indian @:-) Indian (East) *\:-) Scottish <:-) Vietnamese peasant (unlikely) ](-[3 Viking (-: Australian :<() African tribesman>:^( headhunter (Amazon style) I8${} Ubangi - bone in nose X8-{} Ubangi's wife *8-O Ubangi's child i:o Ubangi's baby HOBBIES & OCCUPATIONS: +<:-| message from a monk/nun... :-0 orator 8-) swimmer :-% banker *(H-) downhill skier=":-)" punk-rocker=":-#}" punk with a mustache....>B=) punk rocker =:-( (real punk rockers don't smile) :-) 8 plays guitar :-) O plays banjo (:)-) scuba diver 0-) wearing scuba mask 8=:-) a chef <<<<(:-) message from a hat sales-man... (:>---o doctor CD:-)> railroad engineer :-)W:-) barber +<||-) knight AT THE ZOO: :="|" baboon :="8)" baboon d8="eager" beaver pq`#' bull ~M`'~ camel }:-< cat __Q~`__ cat ) the Cheshire cat 3:-o cow pp# cow :3-< dog 6\/) the elephant submitter }. elephant `\ (O--< fishy message>-^);> fish 8) frog B) frog who is wearing sunglasses 8P bullfrog and it's mating season :-[ ] shark (jaws of doom) 8:] gorilla :8) pig ::) pig 3:*> Rudolph the reindeer |) salamander ~~~~~8} snake :<= walrus :V woodpecker FAMOUS PEOPLE: B-) Batman C=":-)" The Galloping Gourmet 8=":-K" The Sweedish Chef :-o Mr. Bill #:o+="Betty" Boop>:*) Bozo the Clown *:o) Bozo the Clown *:O) Bozo the Clown :-))) William Conrad >>-O-> Gen. Custer :/7) Cyrano de Bergerac {8<> Daffy Duck ]:-) The Devil 8(:-) Walt Disney 7:-) Fred Flintstone [8-] Frankenstein 8(:-)-3 Annette Funicello {:^=( Hitler X:-) Aunt Jemima K:-) Aunt Jemima's sister - Helen Keller =|:-) Abe Lincoln (D:-] General Patton %-~ Picasso %-^ Picasso +O:-) The Pope :-\ Popeye 5:-) Elvis Presley 8-] FDR =):-) Uncle Sam O==):-{ Uncle Sam *<|:-) Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho) 8+() Tina Turner :-[ vampire :-E vampire with buck teeth 4:-) George Washington NOT-SO-FAMOUS PEOPLE: has wizard status $-) a yuppie Q:-) a new grad b-) pirate (with eye patch) L:-) just graduated :<| attends an Ivy League school (: (="|" going to be a ghost for Halloween...=":-H" plays for NFL (V)="|" a pacman champion o-) a cyclops @-) a cyclops *-( a cyclops who got poked in the eye B-{="vampire" NET.USERS: ~~:-( subscribes to alt.flame O |-) subscribes to soc.religion 8 :-I subscribes to comp.unix-wizards X-( subscribes to soc.suicide E-:-I subscribes to rec.ham-radio>:-I subscribes to rec.startrek 3:o[ subscribes to rec.pets - @= messages about nuclear war (:-) messages dealing with bicycle helmets __. has been properly chastised, or is merely asleep O-(==:=== feels he/she has been railroaded ;^? has punched out for submitting sexist article *-) was shot for the last posting i-=<***i CAUTION: poster has flame thrower i-="<******o-(==<" ...and uses it! (alternately, i-="<***" __. ) ~~~\8-O needs to fix frayed cord on terminal \/\/\/\,8-O really should fix frayed line cord on terminal M:-< just had a bad experience with &qout;rm"... MULTI-LINE AND OBSCURE SMILEYS: O-S-< a message from a person in a hurry O-Z-< a message from a person in a big hurry O-&-< a message from a person who is doing nothing O-G-< a message concerning oneself *:* message about fuzzy things *:** message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache (-: left-handed oo somebody's head-lights are on messages ._) suffers from Lorentz contraction <:-)<<| message from a space rocket...

Erlend Midttun - -

Seit dem 1999.12.14 mal besucht
[ - - Last Complete Update 2000.10.10]